Should I Do a Recorded Statement With the Insurance Company?

recorded tape

If you have been involved in an auto accident caused by the negligence of another driver, you might have a liability claim against the negligent driver. This liability claim will be processed through the negligent driver’s insurance company, and will allow you to seek compensation for your medical expenses, pain and suffering, and other types of damages.

As part of your liability claim with the other person’s insurance company, however, you will likely be asked by the insurance adjuster to complete a “recorded statement.” If you have been asked by the insurance adjuster whether you will agree to complete a recorded statement, you probably have several questions, including:

  • What questions will the adjuster ask me?
  • Can a recorded statement hurt my case?
  • Should I even be completing a recorded statement for the adjuster?

These are all critically important questions, and all have a significant effect on your legal case.

During a recorded statement, an insurance adjuster will ask several questions ranging from personal questions about you, to detailed questions about exactly how your accident took occurred. For example, a recorded statement interview usually starts with an adjuster asking questions about you, your background, your medical background, and so on. However, the adjuster will also ask questions regarding your accident. These accident-related questions will look into specific details regarding how exactly your accident occurred, including your recollection of other vehicles, the manner in which the impact or impacts occurred, and statements made by persons after the accident.

So, can these types of statements hurt you case? Should you agree to a recorded statement?

Completing a recorded statement can certainly hurt you case. Adjusters completing recorded statements will often ask specific and detailed questions in an effort to use your responses against you. Innocent statements by you could possibly be misconstrued or twisted by your insurance adjuster’s attempt to deny your claim.

As soon as the insurance adjuster asks you to complete a recorded statement, we recommend that you contact an attorney to discuss your case. Our attorneys can fight the adjuster if they demand a recorded statement, and sometimes persuade the adjuster to accept your claim without a recorded statement. Also, should a recorded statement be absolutely necessary to your case, our attorneys can help by being present for your recorded statement, and protect you from the adjuster using the recorded statement as a tool to deny your case.

If you would like a free evaluation of your personal injury case, please feel free to contact Kreger Brodish and schedule a free appointment with one of our personal injury attorneys.